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New cooperation agreement between Caucasus University and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

Caucasus university building.

Thanks to the fruitful cooperation between ENRICHER hubs project partners, project manager Nora Lappalainen is delighted to share the news, that new cooperation agreement between Caucasus University and Haaga-Helia has been established in September, 2024. The purpose of this agreement is to increase international understanding and awareness on our respective institutions, to promote exchanges and other forms of institutional interaction and collaboration.

The universities agrees to encourage the following activities;

  • Joint research in the fields of mutual interest
  • Exchange of faculty and students between the institutions for research, teaching assignments and studying, including virtual collaboration when applicable
  • Exchange of faculty and staff members for participation in conferences, seminars and workshops
  • Sharing knowledge and publications in education and promoting teaching collaboration and cross-cultural understanding

Ani Tavartkiladze, Deputy Director of International Relations Department at Caucasus University has met with Katri Salmi, Head of International Relations at Haaga-Helia during the EAIE Conference in Toulouse, France on September 19th, 2024. They have discussed many practicalities about the exchange programme, and agreed to explore the possibility to apply for Erasmus+ KA171 International Credit Mobility funding to give extra support for the upcoming mobilities.

Already next year the new exchange students between the universities will be able to travel to the new country to broaden their perspective by studying in an international environment and learn about a new culture. They will have an excellent opportunity to develop their professional skills and knowledge, as well as network with other local and international students. Exchange students will be selected by their home institutions from the fields of Business, Information Technology and Tourism. The collaboration will surely benefit the students in both institutions.